American POTUS
We are obsessed with the presidency at American POTUS. We believe that the 46 imperfect patriots who have held our nation’s highest office all have something to offer today’s electorate – a perspective that appropriately grounds today’s political conversations in truth and context. To help us reveal the many layers of each administration, we’ll be joined by the nation’s most influential historians, scholars and experts who have studied every facet of the presidents and the presidency. Not only will we cover the crucial decisions that changed the world but also the humor, hobbies and quirks that give us a captivating sense of each American POTUS.
American POTUS
The Accidental War-Time POTUS
Harry Truman was a smart, humble, confident midwestern Vice President, who woke up one day to find himself in the top job, running the country! And it was no time to sit back and let issues and policies just play out. It was one of the most tumultuous times in global history, wrapping up a world war and attempting to manage a new cold war!
The surprising rise to power of POTUS 33, and how he managed to be so successful. Soldier, Husband, Senator, President, Harry Truman is on this episode of American POTUS!
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